A quick overview of the safe and proper use of agricultural pesticides.

In this article, we present a quick overview of the safe use of agricultural pesticides, and the message here is directed to the direct user of agricultural pesticides. However, the advice here does not dispense with the necessity of consulting specialists from engineers and agricultural technicians as well as veterinarians.


Agricultural Pesticides .. Right Procedures and Wrong Practices:-


Various agricultural pests cause great damage to various types of crops, if they are not confronted with healthy methods, and the conflict between humans and insects has begun since their presence on the surface of the world, and after they began to share in their food and housing, and caused great damage to the animals that he raises, and he started using simple methods to achieve this Target.


The damages of agricultural pests increased, and methods of combating them developed, according to the knowledge available in different time periods. People began using agricultural pesticides since the mid- forties of the last century, and discovered their damage to humans, animals and the environment, and began to develop them, and develop ways to deal with them, and the use of agricultural pesticides became a reality. Despite the damage it causes to the environment, humans and animals, it is absolutely indispensable to eliminate the various pests, whose numbers and damages are increasing, day after day.


There are many procedures that limit the harm of agricultural pesticides to humans, animals and the environment, if these procedures are applied correctly, and the most important of these procedures are:-


  • Identification of the pest, with the assistance of the agricultural engineers concerned with plant protection
  • Use the appropriate pesticide to control the pest after it has been identified.
  • Determine the economic threshold for control, for each crop and for each pest.
  • Use the appropriate dose of the pesticide, and read the instructions on the package, to avoid the risks of misuse, and some packages of agricultural pesticides are in English only, and here we suggest that the competent authorities oblige companies to write in Arabic and Urdu on the packages so that farmers who are not fluent in English read the instructions and instructions .
  • Wearing protective clothing from the dangers of pesticides (a jumpsuit, a mask, glasses, a hat, and gloves), during the preparation of spray solutions and during the use of the pesticide
  • Prepare the appropriate spray solution, use fresh water, and avoid using salt water.
  • Using the appropriate spray machine, after calibrating it and ensuring its safety.
  • Control in the early morning or evening hours.
  • Avoid spraying during winds, high temperatures, or rain.
  • Do not eat or drink while preparing the pesticide and during use.
  • Evacuate the area to be treated, of animals, bees and residents.
  • Adhere to the safety period specified on the pesticide package.
  • Stop spraying or fogging in the event of any malfunction in the used spraying machine.
  • Open the spray nozzles using a thin wire, and do not use the mouth for this purpose. .
  • Spray in the direction of the wind, and avoid spraying against the direction of the wind.
  • Do not put the pesticide in bottles of water, soft drinks, or any other container.
  • Tightly close the pesticide containers after taking the appropriate amount of it.
  • Dispose of empty pesticide containers, through the competent authorities for this task.
  • Puncture the empty containers and render them unusable.
  • Wash the places contaminated with the pesticide, as soon as they are contaminated.
  • Dispose of pesticide quantities that are spilled on the ground in some cases.
  • Take off the protective clothing immediately after the completion of the control process.
  • Wash clothes with soap and water immediately after taking them off, and wash the entire body.
  • Clean the sprayers after they are finished using them.


There are many errors that occur when using pesticides, and in the methods of disposing of the empty container, and these errors are indicated by the following figures:-


  • Using an empty pesticide container for drinking, which is a wrong use.

  • Burning empty pesticide containers is a wrong and dangerous use.